____NO MOOD!!!!!!♥

damn no mood

a fucker pengawas
stupid wan...she though she like ketua pengawas gam
LCLY...say what wan take our phone
still use the toilet door to hit mii

stupid pengawas...
go die la...
keep jor my phone three time ad

WTF...i just sit at the toilet
also no disturbe dou u
u see dou mii jiu say wan rampas my phone

dulan dulan dulan dulan dulan dulan dulan dulan dulan dulan dulan

very very very very NO MOOD AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

two day dun have call mii and sms mii

because of u...i hole day dun have sleep....

because of u...i hole day also no eat

can u just tell mii what should i do now...????

i really very need your answer now

u what also no say
sms no reply...?????

xiao y♥

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